Friday, 18 March 2016

Drunken Grasshopper

Kiss me I'm Irish! It might be a little late, but the sun hasn't quite set on St Patrick's Day yet. This is my favourite holiday. Not only does it give me an excuse for cocktails, but it's the only day of the year I can truly celebrate my red hair and freckled complexion!

Standard practise suggests you must consume something green and with potatoes, well vodka is kind of like potatoes and green is the colour of creme de menthe.  Must be a lucky charm.

In keeping with my frozen theme, I've elected to deviate from the normal Grasshopper you would find in cocktail bars all over town. My version is more like a frappe and I've doubled the alcohol content so you don't have to make another round, making more room for Irish Stew!

500gm vanilla icecream 
500gm ice
3 shots Creme de Menthe
3 shots White Chocolate Liquer (see my recipe here)
1 shot Peppermint Vodka
25-50gm thickened cream 
Chocolate flakes and mint for garnish

Add ice cream, ice and alcohol to TM bowl.
Blitz speed 9 for 40 seconds.
After 20 seconds, gently pour cream, a tablespoon at a time until you have a achieved a milkshake texture.
Serve in a milkshake glass, sprinkle with chocolate flakes and add a sprig of fresh mint.

Disclaimer: Kiss Irish people at your discretion!

Friday, 4 March 2016


I've had this little baby steeping away since January and figured that I might as well show you all just how easy it is to make, and drink at home!

Limoncello is a traditional Italian liquor, made with Lemons.  It is made by everyone in places like Tuscany or Sorrento and is a staple in rustic farmhouses all over the hills of Italy. And well let's face it, I'm not gonna get to Italy anytime soon (read ever) so I decided the next best thing would be to make Limincello and bathe under the QLD Sun (with plenty of SPF 50+)

There is not much to this recipe, but it can be a little tricky to get the quantities right.  Lots of authentic recipes call for 100 proof grain alcohol or Vodka, but you can't get alcohol this strong commercially in Australia.  So if you don't know a bootleg distiller who is willing to pour off a batch of houch, then you are left with only two options.  Buy the bottled product sold at all good bottle shops, generally imported and ready to drink, or find yourself a bottle of Vodka strong enough to put you in hospital and follow these instructions.  (Medical alert: the alcohol content is cut down significantly through mixing, as to avoid having to get you stomach pumped)


8 fresh lemons (washed well)
Vodka (500ml of very strong stuff >70%, or about 750ml of regular vodka (40%)
Sugar - see quantity guide below
Hot water - see quantity guide below


You start by peeling about 8 lemons, use a vegetable peeler and take off just the yellow skin.  Avoid the whit pith as this will make your Limincello bitter.  

Add the lemon peelings to a clean glass jar or bottle and pour over your Vodka.  If you have very strong vodka, you will only need half as much than if you are using standard strength stuff.

Seal jar and let the mixture steep for about a month in the far reaches of space (aka the pantry).

The lemon peels will start to leach all of their colour and oils into the alcohol after about a week.  Give the mixture a little shake every week or so.

This is the mixture after 5 weeks:

The next bit is essential for giving your mixture the sweetness required but it also dilutes the alcohol content significantly.

If you have strong vodka (over 70%) use these quantities:
500gm hot water
300gm caster sugar

If you are using commercial vodka (40%) use these quantities:
100gm hot water
150gm caster sugar

Mix the water and sugar together in the TM bowl on speed 3, 80degrees, for 2 minutes or u til dissolved.

Pour off the Limincello from your lemon peels, add it to the TM bowl with your sugar syrup and mix on speed 2 for 10 seconds.

Your mixture will be cloudy because of the heat in your syrup, but it won't effect the flavour.

Pour the mixture through coffee filter into bottles and store in your freezer forever!

Serve it chilled or over ice, or use it  to make a Lemon Lime & Bitters, like I have!

This is easy, to a glass of ice, add a shot of Limincello, a dash of bitters, a slice of lime.  Top with lemonade or soda water.