Friday, 1 April 2016

Strawberry & Cream Daiquiri

I'm back, after a lovely Easter break with family.  It's been slow on the cocktail scene, but my excuse is that it was Good Friday and I couldn't stomach a seafood cocktail! 
My baby sister and her family came to visit over Easter to join in on our annual family camping trip.  And because Mr Thermomix Me A Drink believes that camping should be a survival activity, complete with dug in latrines and rations, my thermomix was not allowed to come. 
So as soon as we arrived home, and so as not to neglect my cocktail duties, I created this treat for my sister who has always been known as Strawberry Shortcake amongst our family.  And while this isn't quite cake, it is definitely strawberry and cream flavoured.
500gm ice
200gm frozen strawberries
100gm strawberry syrup *
4 shots Whipped Cream flavoured Vodka
Liquid sweetener to taste
100gm pouring cream
Add ice, strawberries, syrup and vodka to your TM bowl
Blitz on speed 10 for up to 1 minute, helping the mixture with your TM Spatula.
Taste the mixture for sweetness and add some liquid sweetener to break through any tartness.
Add cream and mix on speed 5 for 10 seconds.
Serve in a pretty glass and garnish with a lolly!
This would be sooooo good as ice cream, the vodka would keep it soft and scoopable, if you can resist the temptation to lick the bowl!
 I hope you've had a relaxing Easter break. Stay classy!
 * I made a batch of Strawberry syrup a few weeks ago, you can find the recipe here.


  1. What is Whipped Cream flavoured Vodka??

  2. Strawberry has been coveted since the Roman Empire and is the top flavor in several desserts and beverages today. Use Monin Strawberry Syrup to add the ever-popular strawberry flavor to all your beverages.Strawberry Syrup
